
The Gremlin of Grief

Grief is not a thing that can be held out at arm’s length, a box, detached and inert, upon which we gaze and ponder, unmoved. …

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So Surprised

And here we are together again
Creeping separately into oldness
Manufactured pleasantries
Masking everlasting coldness

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Paper Mache Facade

Born of mush and slathered with glue
Layered on bottles empty and blue
Hastily painted in psychedelic hues
Preening for me, preening for you…

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The Less Traveled Road

It begins and ends with Robert Frost – this love of poetry, this almost spiritual connection to “The Road Not Taken.” For my mother, the two roads diverging into a wood symbolized her decision to leave her coveted teaching position in 1943 and join the Navy WAVES during World War II. For my father, it symbolized his decision to leave his home state of Pennsylvania in 1949, move his son and wife back to her home state of Texas and accept his father-in-law’s offer to join him in business. Both decisions were hard. Both came with tradeoffs and likely a few regrets. Without question, however, the journeys down each of their less traveled roads were life-changing in ways they could not have imagined.

So many stories of the joys that arise from less traveled roads!


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So Surprised

And here we are together again
Creeping separately into oldness
Manufactured pleasantries
Masking everlasting coldness

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